Réservez votre descente du Gardon en ligne
Pre-booking form
You can book your descent by filling in the form below.
Your booking will be registered, you will receive a confirmation email and you will be able to pay on the spot by credit card or in cash.
You must first choose the route before choosing the time.
REMINDER: Our courses are open to everyone provided :
- be able to swim 25 metres and immerse in water
- be at least 6 years old
- be in good physical condition
- not to be pregnant
Dogs are welcome on canoes
Groups and Tour-Operator, must use the form here
Nous sommes fermé jusqu'au printemps mais vous pouvez offrir des bons cadeaux pour Noël.
We are closed until spring but you can offer Christmas gift vouchers.
Nous sommes fermé jusqu'au printemps mais vous pouvez offrir des bons cadeaux pour Noël.
We are closed until spring but you can offer Christmas gift vouchers.