Access map to our canoe base

General situation

Plan d'acces Kayak Vert


Schedule: Open every day from 9 AM except in case of unfavourable weather, from March to end of October.
Reservations are highly recommended either by email or by calling us on +330466228076 or online

Free parking for our clients

Our parking, is free and reserved for our costumers It is located at the entrance of the village of Collias coming from Uzès/Remoulins or at the exit of the village towards Uzès from Sanilhac/Cabrière.
On the spot, you will be welcomed by our agent. One ‘s parked and ready to leave, a shuttle bus will take you to our home on the banks of The Gardon. The shuttle buses are in continuous rotation and the path takes /strong>5 minutes (except if there are sheep crossing or melon tractors…)

Coordinated GPS of the parking:

LON : 43° 57' 36" N
LAT : 4° 29' 3.48" E

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