Contact the Kayak Vert team

Informations utile

Contact details and map of Kayak vert in Collias

Parking client

Our car park is at the entrance to the village of Collias coming from Uzès / Remoulins.
LON : 43° 57' 36" N
LAT : 4° 29' 3.48" E

Head office

8 chemin de St Vincent
30210 Collias

Don't forget to consult our  Frequently Asked Questions   before using the form below.
You're sure to find the answer to your question there.

For all requests for quotes, whether you are a school group, an association, a company,
the police, the army, etc. use the group quote form.  by clicking here. 

A quotation does not commit you to anything, it just enables us to offer you the best solution for your needs.

Thank you in advance

Our courses are open to everyone as long as :

  • you can swim 25 metres and immerse yourself in water
  • be at least 6 years old
  • be in good physical condition
  • not be pregnant

Thank you in advance

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